The MSC-Elite Informations!
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Do you want the MSC Elite even more there?

Umfrage endete am Do 8. Okt 2009, 08:27

Yes, and I will continue to play my games!
Keine Stimmen
Yes, but I will not play my games because I have no time D:
Keine Stimmen
No MSC elite has no sense -.-
Abstimmungen insgesamt : 2

MSC-Elite Death?

Sa 3. Okt 2009, 08:27

MSC elite has yet find no meaning any more I play his game .. Have you no time or what? If so then you report it. _. I know the Internet has no Walustrike and now has stepped J0k3r. ASE has, unfortunately, no time just what about Giant, Nick or billion? Giant has not had a Wii but since yesterday or the day he could again and now finally has its own games to play ... Well I am going to create a survey that lasts 5 days.

R.S.X or fuzzy

Sa 3. Okt 2009, 08:27

Re: MSC-Elite Death?

So 4. Okt 2009, 15:59

Unfortunately MSC Elite is dead .. I am grateful to Xeras of at least one game played with me and has the MRD has organized the tournament with me, but unfortunately failed.
I hope somebody we again organize a tournament MSC. And I expect only one explanation why you have not played the games? The tournament is really a
Thanks to Xeras (one of the games played), MRD (Admin) and ASE (Moderator)!

Cya and yours sincerely
R.S.X or fuzzy!
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